Language Matters
Printing News in English Abroad/
Foreign-Language Publishing in the English-Speaking World
October 16 / October 18 2017
5th International Transfopress Encounter
October 16-18, 2017
Université Paris Diderot (USPC)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
University of Chicago Center in Paris​
For its 5th international encounter, the Transfopress Network organizes a conference focusing on both English-language journalism in countries whose official language(s), whether de facto or de jure, do(es) not include English and the foreign-language press in countries whose official language(s) include(s) English.
The foreign-language press, defined here as the press published in languages other than the national language(s), is an important historical, but also contemporary, international phenomenon. Yet, it is a somewhat elusive study object. This conference aims above all at spurring reflection as to the relationship foreign-language periodicals entertain with the mainstream national press, as well as with other foreign-language titles or other newspapers published in the same language but in different countries. Case studies will also interrogate this reception/ production dialectics with a sharp focus on unravelling the motivations and functions of language choice.
As far as the production of such titles is concerned, a number of questions – not exhaustive – come to mind. How do journalists who contribute to such foreign- language press titles perceive their role? Are they engaged in nationalist struggles, in which the publication of a foreign-language title is then but yet another weapon? For the immigrant and ethnic presses in particular, do retained formats shape a distinct identity, whether multicultural or segregationist, etc.? How are such publications financed? Are these private initiatives, or are they financed with public money, including that of governments of foreign countries? What variety/ standard of language or even register is used? In the case of bilingual or trilingual titles, what other languages are chosen and how are these choices accounted for? Is there such a thing as an explicit rejection of the English language, because the prominence of the latter threatens minor languages maintenance? Or by contrast are there cases of English being used as the lingua franca by journalists of a non-English background in a country whose official language is not English? In terms of contents, for bilingual or trilingual publications, how does the proportion of each language contribute to shaping a distinct identity that readers are expected to endorse? In those specific Multi-language publications, are texts identical and if not, what does that discrepancy reveal of the newspaper? Foreign-language press titles are often short-lived, as amongst other difficulties, they often address a small readership. What then are the evolutions such foreign- language press titles may have considered to continue running, including turning to English? Although the heyday of the foreign-language press is often situated in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the prevalence of the phenomenon cannot be disputed as New York boasts to have 95 ethnic newspapers, many of which published in a language other than English. In the context of the diversification of media and the booming of the online press, how do such foreign-press language printed titles fare and adapt? While a decision to go online clearly blurs the definition that has been given of the foreign-language press, does it have an impact on the conveyed message for such press titles? What changes in terms of leadership, readership, editing and financing do the immigrant titles that go online undergo? How do they interact with the other news or community blogs produced in other countries where the same language communities have settled and with those of their country of origin?
Away from or sometimes in correlation with production considerations, the descriptive and prescriptive aspects of foreign-language press titles often generate contemporary reactions. Robert E. Park’s study, The Immigrant Press and Its Control, is a pioneering, seminal example of this. The perception of the ‘host society’ for such titles leads us to consider the following questions – again, the list is not exclusive. How are the titles perceived in the country in which they are published, by those who can read the language – are there generational expectations or conflicts for example? How are such publications regarded by those who cannot read the language, and a fortiori by the State? Are attempts at controlling the foreign- language press specific to the USA of the early 20th-century only or is that a general phenomenon as the Australian example seems to suggest? Did the rise of English to world prominence after WW1 have an impact on the publishing of new English titles abroad? Did specific experiences like the occupation by the US army of some territories in Europe after WWII produce specific English language titles? Is the choice of a foreign language a way for periodicals to offer an alternative viewpoint on the society they are living in, as shown in the case of Hispanic papers in the USA?
The conference also addresses the question of how this material, which has received new attention as a result of large digitization programs, is being catalogued and preserved, and it will aim at bringing together researchers and librarians to work on international projects promoting the study of the foreign-language press .
Contact : Bénédicte Deschamps and Stéphanie Prévost (Université Paris Diderot, USPC, LARCA UMR 8225)